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Recent Parent Seminars

The Foundations of Resilient Learners

"We appreciated the fact that the seminar was grounded in current thinking and research. Thesan's work is of an excellent standard - up to date and informative. The presenter was professional, entertaining and empathetic with the audience."

(Kirsten Knight, Head of Pre-Prep)

100% of parents found this seminar useful.

Supporting Your Child's Transition to Key Stage 3

"Clear and informative ideas to try at home - I feel motivated to continue the dialogue with my children."

(Claire, Year 7 parent)

100% of parents would recommend this seminar to a friend.

Setting Your Child up for Success at GCSE

“The seminar was very well presented and clear. I understand more about the challenges now and will look to support my child to find time at home to ‘boost’ the work they've covered in class.”

(Adrian, Year 10 parent)

100% of parents found this seminar useful and would recommend it to a friend.

Smart Strategies to Support Your Child's GCSE Revision

“I found the presentation approachable, realistic and full of hints and tips. I am going to revisit the revision timetable to help my son retain focus, and remind him what is achievable.”

(Helen, Year 11 parent)

100% of parents found this seminar useful and would recommend it to a friend.

Smart Strategies to Support Your Child's A Level Revision

“I enjoyed learning the theory behind the revision techniques, as well as the practical tips such as the Memory Clock revision model. As a result of this presentation, I will ensure my daughter is doing both the deconstruction and reconstruction aspects of revision, as well as using a metacognitive approach.”

(Jen, Upper Sixth Parent)

100% of parents found this seminar useful and would recommend it to a friend.

Parenting in a Digital Age

"The presentation was professional, well rehearsed and well researched. We particularly valued the content about adolescents' brain development and sense of self, as well as the importance of enforcing clear boundaries."

(Ruth McQuire, Assistant Headteacher)

100% of parents found this seminar useful and would recommend it to a friend.

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